Scrap Fx member post

Hello my dear blog Readers, it is time for my second May post. I created two art journal pages inspired from the painter Francis Picabia`s stilhouette paintings. Very minimalistic and dramatic. I love to create with the products from ScrapFX . I used for the abstract art journal pages: Chevron Panel stamp Rectangle Stencil Square Stencil Triangle collage stamp Square collage stamps Radiant Circles Mandala stamp Damask Border stencil Polygonic stencil Silhouette Ladies stencil Art Phrases transparency I had so much fun with creating…. I create another art journal page, a simple art journal page. My next project is a junk journal book. I started ripping paper in 30 cm by 10 cm. Then I glued the paperstrips with masking tape together. I folded the book in accordion style. After that I added clear gesso and a collagelayer with old book pages. Coloring and stamping was my next step. After that I add the stencil images,sti...